Confessions of a pregnant business owner

Tired, hungry, uncomfortable and blissful all at the same time. Being pregnant has been wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but it has also been extremely hard to keep up with the daily tasks involved in managing my business.

The first trimester was tough - as it is for most. I found myself having to rest after simply having breakfast, which in turn made me feel guilty. I feared missing out on work tasks due to being tired - that FOMO was real. Every business owner recognises that guilty feeling we get for taking time off, so coupled with the physical feeling of extreme fatigue due to my pregnancy, every extra hour or day I spent in bed felt like an eternity.

I had to tell to myself on numerous occasions that my body is making a placenta and then a human so no wonder I’m exhausted, but that was a hard thing to get used to. I worked as much as I could in the afternoons and that seemed to be enough time to get everything done I needed to, so I eventually made peace with myself. 

Christmas bespoke orders were, as usual, quite high and my energy levels were quite low, which meant having to really put some effort in around the holidays. By this point I’d only shared my news with close friends and family, so unfortunately I wasn’t able to pull a sickie with any new clients!

During the second trimester, I felt like I got my mojo back almost overnight… it was like a switch was flicked and I felt fabulous again! Over the next 3 months I worked hard on the launch of my new brand, Lucy Morton Studio, where I specialise in engagement rings and wedding bands.

Baby bump was coming on nicely and nothing was stopping me - I was making tracks and really excited for the future. I took on as much as I could do as, in the back of my mind, I knew that in a few months I’d have another full time job on my hands.


I’m writing this blog whilst sat pretty much naked under the fan at 38 weeks pregnant. I feel lucky that I can work from my sofa or bed or bath tub if I need to - but still the guilty feeling is hanging around like a bad smell. 

It’s July 2021 in Ibiza and some weddings have been allowed, up to 120 people outside, which is hopeful for the island and for my craft. I know that covid or any other pandemic can’t kill love but, if anything, it has put into perspective how important love and our loved ones are. Engagements are on the rise, smaller weddings and elopements are still happening, so I’m forever grateful for this wonderful industry that I am part of. 

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That being said

I will be taking some time off to birth and raise my first child…how long I don’t know, time will tell and like these past years I am happy to roll with it. I will still be connecting to emails once a week from mid September so until then… I’ll see you on the flip side.

Lucy x


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